15 minute long dorsal vagus nerve stimulation that creates a calm sensation

15 minute long dorsal vagus nerve stimulation that creates a calm sensation

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This is a somatic meditation practiced in a seated position, incorporating breathing and sound techniques that create vibrations in the torso and can influence the dorsal vagus nerve. You will combine long, deep breaths, gentle Sufi circles, the sound woo, and a soft smile.

The use of the woo sound originates from Northern India and has been applied by Peter Levine in Somatic Experiencing for trauma healing. As Peter Levine explains: “The sound of ‘woo’ is a powerful tool for calming the nervous system, helping us to reconnect with a sense of safety and presence.” Smiling towards the body is a common practice in Taoist energy techniques, while the gentle circular movement of the upper body comes from yoga.

The dorsal vagus nerve is part of the vagus nerve, a key component of the parasympathetic nervous system—the body's "rest and heal" system. It helps regulate essential functions like digestion and heart rhythm. When activated in the right way, it can foster a deep sense of calm, safety, and restoration.

The recording is approximately 15 minutes long, and you are guided in English by Emma Öberg.